An easier way to browse your mailbox.
MetaMAL Mailbox is a redesign of the vanilla MyAnimeList's inbox which lets you view and read your mail from a
single page. It also helps you find a specific set of messages using
search queries.
(Currently not mobile-friendly)
Try it now:

Find exactly what you are looking for.
You can use MetaMAL's powerful search bar to filter your inbox. You can look for messages containing a specific keyword or for those matching more complex queries.
Choose your side.
Do you prefer a relaxing light theme or a more captivating dark theme? We've got you covered in either situation.

Full support for BBcode.
All MAL-supported BBcode tags are also valid in MetaMAL Mailbox. In addition, the inbox automatically applies a few optimisations:
- when using the dark theme, the tonality of some colour tags is desaturated to appear more pleasant on a black background;
- external links are always opened in a new tab;
- all YouTube mini-players are set to use the more privacy-friendly mirror (which is an official service backed by Google).
Offline browsing for an instantaneous response time.
Due to the current structure of the API, performing some kinds of queries can be very time-consuming. A solution is to create a snapshot of the inbox, store it in a file, and let the user conserve it. After that, Mailbox can be used to load the file and explore the entire inbox in just a few milliseconds (and without having to interact with MetaMAL's servers).
Sending messages.
Currently, the official MAP API doesn't let external applications send messages on behalf of a user. Once it'll become possible, MetaMAL Mailbox will be updated accordingly.